How it Works

Each athlete performs three Sparta Scans: vertical jump, balance and plank scan. From these scans, the athlete creates their personal "Movement Signature". This helps us assess how efficient the
athlete moves, strengths, and weaknesses to help optimize performance in the weight room as well as the field or court and predict potential risk for injury. The athlete gets re-scanned every 3-4 weeks to continually track their progress and update their training program when necessary.

Customize Training Program.
The athlete is then assigned a program that is data driven and completely catered to the individual’s specific needs in order to maximize their performance and limit the risk of injury. As he/she re-scans, the training program can continually change to the specific needs of each athlete.

Once the athlete has their personalized training program, it’s time to get to work!! Take ownership of your program in order to see and feel the results!